Despite my best efforts to answer every phone call, I have missed a couple of calls since my last blog (Let it go to voice mail. No big deal, right? Think again!).
I used to think that a missed call with no voice mail obviously wasn’t very important. If it was important, the caller would have left a message, right? But, after the RentLinx study revealed that 80% of people who get voice mail hang up, I started rethinking my assumption. How can those 80% of missed calls not be important?
So, I got this crazy idea. What if I called the person who just hung up? I checked our phone log, looked up the caller’s number, got ready to dial and --- I hesitated. Would I be met with hostility? Indifference? Irritation? After all, this person hadn’t left a message.
I took a deep breath, dialed the number, and said: “Hi, this is Amanda from RentLinx. I’m sorry I missed your call a few minutes ago. May I help you?”
Guess what? She was thrilled that I had called her! Thrilled! I answered her question and she said “Wow, what great customer service!”
I’ve done this a few more times since, and every time, I get the same reaction: “Wow!”
Try it! Call someone who hung up without leaving you a message. Then, let me know what happens!
Amanda Schneider