I am so fortunate to be working with my son Jeremy. Several years ago, Jeremy was hiking in Peru when his guide stopped the group at a lone dirt-floored hut on the trail. The guide said that this was their lunch stop. Jeremy and the other hikers purchased their lunch from the family living in the hut. The food was served by a bare-footed 9 year old boy. As Jeremy ate his lunch that day, he was inspired to share his own good fortune, and determined to make it significant and lasting. When he returned to the USA, Jeremy established the RentLinx.org charitable giving program.
Jeremy decided that each year, RentLinx will pledge to:
- Donate 2% of the gross RentLinx revenue to local, national and international causes we feel passionate about
- Encourage all RentLinx employees to donate 5% of our paid time to volunteer organizations in our communities
Surprisingly, we doubled our revenues during 2010, and ended the year with a nice profit. At a time when so many of our friends and neighbors are struggling, we feel especially grateful. During 2010, RentLinx.org donated to:
- Children's Aid Society (NY)
- County of San Diego Animal Services
- Gleaners Food Bank (MI)
- Home Start (San Diego)
- Kid's Food Basket (Grand Rapids)
- Michigan Disability Rights Coalition
- New Eyes for the Needy
- Operation Smile
- San Diego Beach Improvement Group
- Vitamin Angels
- Volunteers of America (MI)
- Wikimedia
I am extremely proud of Jeremy, and so happy to wake up each day knowing that I am working with him and serving a good cause. Thanks for reading my blog!